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Unlock Your Exit:
The Pathway for Small Business Owners Ready to Sell.

Are you looking to sell your business
and ....

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Release the investment you have built up?

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Bolster your retirement fund?

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Reap the rewards from your years of dedication?

A senior couple playing music and dancing

Hello, my name is Louise

I have spent 15 years working as a Chartered Accountant for one of the top Accountancy practices. Five years ago, whilst starting a family, I became a small business owner for a worldwide E-Commerce business. 


My youngest son has just started school and I find myself with more free time during the day. My husband Chris is a qualified Electrical Contractor and we sold his business when our children were small. Chris and I have decided it's an appropriate time for us to acquire another business to nurture and grow.


We are looking for small business owners in the UK who are thinking about exiting their business. We aim to help facilitate retirement transitions by investing and acquiring 100% of the share capital of profitable owner-managed businesses.


Our goal is to help business owners like you who are ready to retire, to exit your businesses and realise the wealth you have worked hard to create.


If you are looking for a safe pair of hands to continue your business into the future, I would appreciate an exploratory conversation to introduce myself.

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Here to help.

Each opportunity that we evaluate, we view as a stand alone case.


As a private acquirer of your business you can be assured that we will continue your business as is and look to grow it from the foundations you have worked hard to achieve. We are not interested in asset stripping, or moving your business to another location.


Every business owner has their own requirements for a sale. The most common ones we see are;  

1. Retaining and keeping the staff,

2. Keeping existing customers happy,

3. Maintaining the company name and logo.


We listen to your specific requirements and create an offer personalised to your company.

Our mission is to honor the integrity of your business for many years to come.


Luxury Beach House

Are you ready to start your succession journey?

Thanks for submitting! We will be intouch within 24 hours.

Selling Your Business

The Merger & Acquisition world is often seen as complex and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. We have a wealth of knowledge to share and assist. 


If this is your first business sale, I highly recommend reading the book Selling Your Business by Ken Gorman. Ken is a sell-side business broker and the book covers many topics relating to valuing your business, the process, dealing with excess cash and working capital adjustments.  


I can also recommend sell-side Lawyers, Wealth Managers and Accountants who I have worked with in the past and come highly recommended.


We understand selling your business is a major milestone - up there with having children or getting married. We are here to assist.

Process Timeline

Each opportunity is different and unique in its own way. No "one size fits all" in the world of M&A.


A typical process can complete between 3 and 4 months for a cash / deferred payment structure or 8 and 9 months for a financial institution leveraged deal. 


In the current market funding is harder to acquire with cost of capital being as high as 12-15%. The finance lenders will do a lot more due diligence on a leveraged deal and this takes more of the sellers time to explain and provide all evidence.


Here is the structure of the usual process:



Do You Have A Succession Plan?

A notable 40% of SME owners in the UK are over the age of 55, and surprisingly, 60% of them lack a concrete transition or succession plan.


Main Street Investments helps business owners retire or exit from their business with pride. We strive to partner with potential opportunities to create a collaborative approach through the transition period.


Here are 3 main ways Main Street Investments can help you exit your business.

Retain Your Legacy

Preserving the legacy and reputation of the business is a significant challenge.


We strive to continue to nurture and grow your business well into the future.

Value Your Existing

Finding a buyer who values and retains existing employees can be a concern.


We seek to value existing staff as they are the real assets of any business.

Deliver A Fair Outcome
For All

Concerns about financial security in retirement is a big worry for many owners.


We look to agree a fair value for both sides on all oportunities presented.

“A leader's lasting value is measured by succession”

John C. Maxwell

Want me to get in touch? Let me know here.

To book a confidential initial chat, enter your details below.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in contact within 24 hours.

Book an online call here:

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